Compare AI Text Generators: A Side-by-Side Analysis of Top Tools in 2023

Use the “Columns” menu on the right to choose and compare products, and refer to “Glossary” below for feature details.
Features with FREE plans have 🎁 symbol, CUSTOM plans have ⚙, and PAID plans have NONE.

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Glossary of Features:

  1. AI models used: Specific artificial intelligence models and algorithms employed within a platform or system.
  2. Annual plan: Subscription billed yearly, often with a 12-month commitment and potential discounts.
  3. API access: Enables programmatic interaction with a platform via its application programming interface (API).
  4. Audio generation: Capability of an AI model to generate or synthesize audio based on user inputs.
  5. Best use cases: Optimal scenarios or situations for the highest potential or value.
  6. Browser extensions: Add-ons or plugins for web browsers extending AI functionality beyond the platform.
  7. Bulk content creation: Feature of AI platforms enabling the generation of substantial amounts of content at once.
  8. Cancellation to be effective: The point in time when a user’s request to terminate their subscription takes effect.
  9. Chat or conversational AI: Capability of an AI model to simulate human-like conversation.
  10. Community: Users sharing a common interest, offering support or collaboration.
  11. Content distribution: Publishing and promoting generated content across various channels or platforms.
  12. Context lookback: Ability to consider previous interactions or content when generating new output.
  13. Copy-editing: Reviewing and correcting content for grammar, punctuation, and style.
  14. Custom brand voice & knowledge: Characteristics, tone, and information related to a specific brand for content consistency.
  15. Custom plan: Tailored subscription designed to meet specific customer needs.
  16. Custom templates: Personalized templates designed to meet specific business requirements and applications.
  17. Custom workflows or wizards: Tailor-made, end-to-end processes or guides designed to address unique business needs.
  18. Customer Support: Help users through various channels like customer service, technical troubleshooting, and documentation.
  19. Data privacy: Protection and handling of personal or sensitive information.
  20. Data security: Measures taken to safeguard user information from unauthorized access.
  21. Delivery & deployment model: Method of providing a platform or service, such as cloud-based or SaaS.
  22. Devices supported: Hardware such as desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones, on which platform can effectively operate.
  23. Document editor: A built-in tool for quickly generating, editing, and formatting content using AI.
  24. Dynamic prompt-based template: Generates custom templates on the fly based on user-defined prompts.
  25. Ease of use: User-friendliness and intuitiveness of an AI platform enable users to operate it with minimal difficulty.
  26. Features & functionality: Capabilities and operations of an AI platform determining what users can achieve.
  27. FREE plan: No-cost subscription (forever usually) with limited features and capabilities.
  28. FREE trial: Temporary, full-access pass to paid plan features for a specified time period.
  29. History & backups: Storage and retrieval of previous versions or instances of content.
  30. Image generation: Capability of an AI model to create or modify images based on user inputs.
  31. Input prompts: User-provided instructions or cues that guide AI content generation.
  32. Languages supported: Range of supported written and spoken languages.
  33. Learning curve: Time and effort required to learn and acquire proficiency.
  34. Monthly plan: Subscription billed every month without a long-term commitment.
  35. Multimodal or multiple AI models: System built using numerous AI models or a single model trained on various data types.
  36. Onboarding & training: Learning to use a platform, tool, or available resources.
  37. Ownership of content: Legal rights and control over created or generated AI content.
  38. Plagiarism checker: Tool for detecting copied or unoriginal content.
  39. Prebuilt prompts: Predefined input instructions or cues that guide AI content generation, often designed for standard tasks.
  40. Prebuilt templates: Expertly crafted and trained content formats for specific use cases or industries.
  41. Prebuilt workflows or wizards: Standardized, end-to-end processes or guides that streamline user content creation.
  42. Product experience: Users’ overall perception and satisfaction when interacting with the AI platform.
  43. Project folders: Organizational tools for storing and categorizing files or content.
  44. Prompt enhancer or generator: AI tools or functionalities designed to help users create effective prompts for content generation.
  45. Quality of output: Level of accuracy, relevance, and coherence of content generated by an AI system.
  46. Refund on initial purchase: Reimburse payment for the initial subscription or purchase within a specified period.
  47. Saved inputs-outputs: Storage and management of user inputs and corresponding generated outputs.
  48. SEO assistance: Tools or services for optimizing content for search engine rankings.
  49. Text generation: Capability of an AI model to create or improve text or written content based on user inputs.
  50. Unused words or credits: Unconsumed quota or allocation of content generation capacity.
  51. Uptime reliability: Measure of a platform’s consistent availability and stable performance.
  52. User management: Administration and control of user access, permissions, and roles for collaboration.
  53. Value for money: A measure of a product or service’s perceived worth or benefit relative to its cost.
  54. Vendor experience: Overall interaction and relationship between the user and the provider.
  55. Video generation: Capability of an AI model to create or modify videos based on user inputs.
  56. Web lookup or browsing: Ability to access and process real-time information on recent topics and events.

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