Jasper AI Review: Is it Worth it or Just Hype?

Are you looking for the best content platform for 2023? We’ve got you covered. Our team has thoroughly evaluated Jasper AI’s performance and reliability to assist you in making an informed decision. Jasper is a generative AI tool that aims to help content creators produce top-notch, engaging content in a snap. In this comprehensive review, we’ll share the findings that led us to conclude whether it is the most suitable platform for your needs. So, keep reading to learn more.

Key Takeaways

🖒 Key Benefits🖓 Key Drawbacks★ Recommend for
✓ Automates long-form content creation workflow.
✓ Support natural language text/voice commands.
✗ Factually inaccurate if there is no single source of truth.
✗ Inadequate context lookback for long-form content.
⦿ Short and long-form content.
⦿ Creative and engaging content.
⦿ Marketing and sales use cases.

On this Page

ï¿« What is it?
ï¿« How does it work?
ï¿« First-hand experience
ï¿« Benefits (pros)
ï¿« Drawbacks (cons)
ï¿« Reviews & ratings
ï¿« FAQs
ï¿« Buying options
ï¿« Conclusion

What is Jasper AI?

Jasper AI is a content platform that uses artificial intelligence to assist you in overcoming creative blocks. Brainstorm exciting ideas for your target audience, and generate original short & long-form content quickly and easily. All it needs is simple instruction in plain human language. Moreover, you can also get all your content needs in one place by allowing integration with various other helpful tools.

After its integration with tools for grammar, language, plagiarism, and SEO, the Jasper Chat, Art, and Extension is another step in this direction. Chat is a conversational way of naturally interacting with AI instead of commands or input prompts. The Extension allows users to add AI capabilities to their existing workflows. And Art is an AI text-to-image generator that generates original images without watermarks or royalty.

How does Jasper AI work?

Jasper takes simple instructions or input prompts written in natural language and generates unique content or output completion as a response. Using specific and descriptive input prompts is essential to ensure the output matches your expectations. Include desired action, topic, tone, audience, and style for a top-notch output. In many cases, it also helps to show and tell the AI model what you want and provide ground truth and background information for accurate responses.

Under the Hood

Jasper AI uses large language models (LLMs) to understand and generate natural language. LLM is an NLP model that can generate human-like original content through its deep-learning neural network architecture. It begins with training on large, varied datasets of unlabeled text. And it finishes with focused fine-tuning for each specific task. This learning allows it to understand the context or intent of any input text to produce relevant output.

The LLM generates one word at a time. It uses past context and pattern recognition to predict the word that should come next in a given text sequence. First, it creates a list of the most probable words to go next and assigns a percent chance to each word based on its likelihood. Then, depending on its training and fine-tuning, it will select one of those high-probability words and then continue to predict the next word in sequence.

Key Design Choices

Jasper AI utilizes multiple LLMs like OpenAI GPT, NeoX, T5, Bloom, and others to create new content. When a user inputs a prompt, the engine selects the most suitable LLM from its collection. It then supplements the input with the latest search results and your brand’s voice and style. This results in the most current and customized output content representing your brand’s identity.

You can train Jasper’s AI engine to ensure the generated content matches the brand’s voice and style. This training considers three crucial aspects of the brand’s identity: product and service knowledge, the tone for connecting with the target audience, and the writing style for consistency across all written interactions and mediums. This customization allows the team to produce on-brand content and maintain your brand’s integrity.

Furthermore, with Jasper AI’s RESTful APIs, you can easily streamline your workflow by automating manual processes and creating custom integrations. As a result, the REST API offers the perfect solution for improving your daily tasks. Jasper also provides a way to develop Dynamic templates specific to your needs based on simple prompts.

First-Hand Experience

We tested Jasper AI with various topics, inputs, and content types. It performed well in generating creative and engaging content. Although the quality of the generated content is generally above average, it may require editing for readability, logical relevance, factual accuracy, grammatical correctness, and plagiarism-free assurance. Additionally, the content platform has several unique features and functions that set it apart.

Jasper AI Chat Output: Plagiarism (15%) & Grammar Errors (20)

Jasper AI offers different options for generating new content, including a chat interface, templates with predefined formats, a document editor for complete flexibility in writing and editing, and recipes for automating content workflows. The chat interface, which also allows users to include search results for up-to-date information, outperformed other generation options on the quality and style front, most likely due to the better LLM model.

Jasper AI Prompts & Interfaces

With documents editor and templates, Jasper AI provides output in shorter, medium, and longer formats. The “medium” length is what we recommend for on-topic and relevant results. It also maintains output history and versioning of all the generated content for quick referencing. While the user interface is mobile-friendly, intuitive, easy to use, and supports global languages.

Practical Tips & Tricks

Get the most out of Jasper AI with these practical tips:

  • Remember your intended use case, audience, and tone while instructing AI
  • Keep providing new context and direction specific to your current content section
  • Fix any content issues before creating new ones to stop AI from imitating incorrect patterns
  • Verify the accuracy of generated facts and figures when crafting factual content
  • Ensure humans do the final review and edits of generated content

What & Who is it for?

Jasper AI can simplify your writing process by handling every detail. You can use it to write ads, marketing & sales materials, emails, search engine campaigns, social media posts, video scripts, eCommerce content, blog posts & web content. It’s also suitable for writing stories, books & novels.

Regardless of your writing experience, Jasper can help both experienced and novice writers equally well. In addition, whether you are an individual operation or a large company, it can help streamline your content workflow.

Benefits (Pros) of Jasper AI

Jasper AI can help you write better in several ways:

  • Helps overcome creative block and generate fantastic content ideas
  • Automates and speeds up content creation workflows by integrating with other tools
  • Trains the AI engine to understand and follow your brand’s voice and style
  • Allows interaction in plain natural language using text or verbal commands
  • Creates both short and long-form content in supported global languages
  • Minimizes accidental plagiarism and avoids issues associated with it
  • Identifies potentially sensitive content to either remove or flag it

Drawbacks (Cons) of Jasper AI

While Jasper AI has many benefits, it also has a few issues:

  • Requires pre-authorization of your credit card for the free trial
  • Writes factually inaccurate content when there is no single source of truth available
  • Limited in-depth training and knowledge of events and information up to 2021
  • Provides a context lookback of just 1500 characters or 300 words

Reviews & Ratings

Apart from this comprehensive review, we have also analyzed consumer reviews and ratings from reliable sources. Finally, we have distilled our findings into a concise summary to offer a complete 360-degree perspective.

SourceReviewsRatings5 ★4 ★3 ★2 ★1 ★
TrustPilot41274.6/589%6%< 1%< 1%4%
G212094.7/586%12%< 1%< 1%1%
Capterra17914.8/584%15%1%< 1%< 1%
Total or Average71274.7/5 ★86%11%< 1%< 1%2%
Social proof: updated on May 5, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I use Jasper AI for free?
A: There is no free plan, but you can take a 7-day free trial by pre-authorizing your credit card. You’ll be charged for the selected plan once the trial ends.

Q: Can I cancel the free trial?
A: You can cancel the free trial anytime before it ends through the “Settings > Billing” screen and by emailing support. If you don’t cancel before it ends, it will become a paid subscription, and you’ll get charged on the 7th day. Since they have a manual refund process, read the refund policy before committing.

Q: How do I cancel my subscription or account?
A: You can cancel your subscription or account through the “Settings > Billing” screen and by emailing support. Keep in mind that you will lose any saved content.

Q: Is it good for SEO?
A: No. Besides Surfer SEO integration, it can only handle basic SEO tasks like title and meta tag generation. And even if it accepts keywords as input prompts, there’s no guarantee that they will get included in output at a desired place.

Q: Can it write a novel, book, or essay?
A: Yes. It can write long-form creative content like novels, books, or essays. You may also use Recipes to structure and automate the process.

Buying Options

Jasper has recently updated its subscription plans, featuring notable changes such as price adjustments, an extended trial period, unlimited words without credit restrictions, user logins, and single prompt-driven dynamic templates.

Disclosure: As a reader-supported site, we may receive commissions on purchases made through links on this site. However, this does not influence our recommendations or the price you pay. We only recommend products and services that we believe in and would use ourselves.

Jasper AI Subscription Plans
Jasper plans: updated on May 5, 2023


Jasper AI is a versatile content-generation platform that has evolved from an AI writing assistant to a generative AI platform. It offers many valuable features, including support for multiple languages, natural language commands, voice dictation, templates, workflows, and recipes. In addition, you can provide feedback to improve outputs that don’t meet your expectations. Jasper AI seems worth considering if you want a versatile and practical content-generation platform.

Let us know if you found this review helpful or have any questions or comments. Additionally, you can compare Jasper with alternatives to know of more options.

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